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New Novella Coming Soon!

So many things have happened in 2020 so far. Many things not good, some things great. The pandemic is definitely not something I ever anticipated in my lifetime. Yeah, we've seen things like ebola and the bird flu, but those didn't have as far reaching effects as COVID-19. It's still scary because they are re-opening places everywhere already. I live with a high risk individual as well as having my parents to help during this time to keep them safe. I am not ready for things to back to normal yet because there's still risk involved.

But something good did come of this pandemic for me. When not working my EDJ remotely, I've been able to focus on re-writing and prepping a new novella! I am super excited about it and I truly hope you all find it just as exciting and interesting.

I'll be doing a cover reveal for it soon, just waiting to see where I can find a space on a blog for it. The only thing I will reveal here until I have the date of the cover reveal is the name of the novella. It's called Spell of the Werewolf. The cover reveal will also contain the blurb for more info AND a contest! So stay tuned for alerts on when that will be up. I also will hopefully have a set release date by then!

Until then, stay safe and be well!



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